Not the Air

It is a true story providing surprise vindication of a famous hero who continues to be unjustly punished.  It is a multi-million dollar cover-up of what happened in places where people get undressed.

It is the perfect crime gone wrong in classic fashion: at the last possible minute, the true villain needlessly and accidentally reveals tiny pieces of information that are the key missing breadcrumbs in his trail of deceit.  It’s detective work by a concerned citizen that was needed because the falsely accused used lawyers instead of detectives.

It is about a mystery and puzzle solved, and conspiracy exposed, hypocrisy, lying, weasel words, fake science by merchants of doubt that cause death.  It’s about the press just repeating instead of researching and reporting.

It is chicken-and-egg problem waiting to hatch; it will be national news as soon as someone important says it’s true.

To say it is about the air is like to say that air travel is about paying to be crammed into an aluminum can that may crash and burn while your luggage ends up in Pittsburgh.

The last thing anyone needs is another story about deflated footballs.  This is the opposite of that.  It is about all of the above and also fully inflated footballs.

It is “Catching the Accusers.”

For press looking for evidence this is credible, and that key basic information got missed by the press and the scientists before, see the spoilers.

The hypocrisy claim is not in the 1st edition of the book.  Learn more about that here.